We welcome you to join our shared journey of spiritual exploration by becoming a member of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Midland (UUCoM). Membership implies an understanding and support of our Unitarian Universalist principles, a commitment to one’s personal spiritual development, and a dedication to the growth and development of community within UUCOM. Most of our members would agree that such a decision was made when it felt like UUCoM became a home for their spirit.
Why Join?
It is in commitment that we find a community’s greatest value and intangible rewards. There are, however, tangible benefits as well. As a congregation committed to the principles and process of democracy, the primary privilege of membership is a voice in all affairs of the congregation. Members maintain the right to vote in all congregational elections and can serve on the Board of Trustees or any other elected position, thus helping to shape the future of our congregation.
Members may also participate in the larger Unitarian Universalist movement by serving as delegates to district and national gatherings. Other privileges include free subscriptions to UU World (a publication of the Unitarian Universalist Association). Building use fees are waived for members, for weddings and memorial services. The services of the minister for any and all rites of passage (weddings, memorial services, etc.) are also included in membership.
Responsibilities of Membership
Unitarian Universalist churches are governed and run by their members. Participation in the life of the community can and does take on many different forms, the most basic of which is attending Sunday morning services. Members’ contributions of time and talent to the work of the church are essential to the church’s functioning and thriving. Participation in the life of the community also includes the ongoing support of the church’s financial needs. It is recognized that levels of contribution of time, talent, and treasure will vary from person to person and from time to time in one person’s life. Like all things, what one receives from membership is generally commensurate with the level of one’s participation.
The Path to Membership

- Step 1
— Let minister, board member, or member of membership committee know you would like to join. - Step 2
— Attend an orientation session (Newcomers’ Drop-In Circle and/or “New to UU” class)
— Fill out a pledge card to donate time & talent to the life of the church, and treasure to the annual operating fund - Step 3
— Sign the Membership Book in the presence of the Minister or Board member - Step 4
— Participate in New Member Ceremony (occurs once or twice a year during the service)
We look forward to having you participate in the life of your new congregation! You are invited to explore the various aspects of the church and we encourage you to full participation in our shared ministry. We have many programs and committees that can benefit from your unique gifts and experiences, and your fresh ideas for new projects are always welcome. The greater your participation in the life of the congregation, the greater the rewards. Let us know how we can help orient and welcome you!
New Member Covenant
(used at the annual or biannual new member ceremony)
We bring to this church our whole selves, our mind and imagination, our joys and our sorrows.
We bring a commitment to give and receive the blessings of community through active participation in the life of the church.
We covenant to walk with you in the living tradition of Unitarian Universalism to fulfill the mission of this church.